Surveillance Camera Code of Practice now in force

13 Aug

Earlier this year we reported on the new code of practice relating to surveillance cameras such as CCTV – our previous article can be found here.

The Code is now in effect in England and Wales and there are several ways in which it may impact licensed premises going forward, once of which relates to licence conditions as paragraph 1.15 of the Code notably states:

“When a relevant authority has licensing functions and considers the use of surveillance camera systems as part of the conditions attached to a licence or certificate, it must in particular have regard to guiding principle one in this code. Any proposed imposition of a blanket requirement to attach surveillance camera conditions as part of the conditions attached to a licence or certificate is likely to give rise to concerns about the proportionality of such an approach and will require an appropriately strong justification and must be kept under regular review. Applications in relation to licensed premises must take into account the circumstances surrounding that application and whether a requirement to have a surveillance camera system is appropriate in that particular case. For example, it is unlikely that a trouble-free community pub would present a pressing need such that a surveillance camera condition would be justified. In such circumstances where a licence or certificate is granted subject to surveillance camera system conditions, the consideration of all other guiding principles in this code is a matter for the licensee as the system operator.

The full Code can be found by following this link.

Should you have queries about the Code or its impact on your operation, please contact one of our Solicitors.

Law correct at the date of publication.
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